Mission and Core Values

Our Mission:

At Massie and Company, our mission is to cultivate enduring partnerships with the shareholders and stakeholders in the construction industry. By establishing the local standard for unparalleled accounting, tax, and consulting services, we aim to deliver the highest quality solutions that foster long-term trust and success.
Our firm is transparent


We are transparent and honest in everything we do. We do not hide information.


We are professional in our act and appearance. We treat everyone with respect.
Our firm is professional
Our firm is dependable and predictable

Dependable and Predictable

We are firm and fair in our interactions and strive to avoid surprises. We are responsive to our clients and their stakeholders’ needs and make every attempt to provide the information we have that may impact their future.

Continued Improvement

We strive to understand every problem thoroughly. 

We strive for continued improvement
We are committed


We are passionate about serving our clients. We are involved.